A lot of good things have happened this year with business, health, friends, family and maturing to a better person.
DEKO 37 (www.deko37.com) is closing the year with 3 projects left. One is for a Kickstarter video (I can’t give the name yet), Ashley Furniture and TEDxSanAntonio. We are almost done with TEDx.
I also helped my friend, Eric Hinojosa, with a short film for Brazil. I played an over exaggeration person from Texas. The video will be put on Youtube and Instagram soon.
Paper Moon Paint hired me to do a culture video and a Christmas video for their clients. They are a lot of fun and are one of my favorite companies to do video for. I like them because they are creative and welcome my creativity for projects.
Dr Ray, a periodontist in San Antonio, hired DEKO 37 to get testimonials from her clients. We finished the first draft and are waiting for re-edits.
I’m looking forward to 2018!!!
Check us out at www.deko37.com