Well we are in the 4th quarter of business. The fourth quarter, October to December, is often a busier quarter. A lot of people have corporate money that needs to be spent for tax purposes, which is why we usually attain more business at this time.
So far we have helped disABILITY with a few videos. “The mission of disABILITYsa is to educate, advance, and engage individuals with disabilities by building connections, exchanging information, creating opportunities, and strengthening our disability community in the greater San Antonio area. disABILITYsa connects people with all types of disabilities and their families to information about local resources, programs and opportunities that promote independence and inclusion where they live, work and play.
One of the videos was covering a festival called “Accessibility.” The grant came from a climate change initiative. I filmed a lot of b-roll (B-roll describes all of the footage that isn’t the main action. This supplemental footage includes all of the shots that don’t include the principal subjects interacting with each other or talking into the camera) for the event. Some of the B-roll I filmed was a disabled person play table tennis, key speakers (such as Melonie, a city council chairman, and few more) a choir that sang hits such as “Under the Sea” from the movie “The Little Mermaid”, the vendor booths and people having fun.
I also interviewed people about the effect of climate change on disabled people. I had two interviews with people with disabilities. But other’s were too shy to talk. I interviewed a lot of people that had family members with disabilities that were effected by the increasing heat.
One lady that I interviewed, Heather, is blind and has Multiple sclerosis (MS) which is a condition that affects your brain and spinal cord. Because of her MS, she said she couldn’t go outside that much this summer since it was over 105 for a record amount of days. She may move to a cooler climate.
DEKO 37 video production San Antonio is also helping disABILITY with training videos to disabled students. We are filming a four course pilot. There is an ASL (sign language) next to the speaker for deaf people. DEKO 37 Videographer San Antonio will shrink the video of the ASL to the top right corner so it can be seen.
A lot of the students in the class are eager to participate and learn.

Eduarto and I are planning on making this video about flamingos living in polluted sanctuaries. Eduarto shot this footage in Celestun Mexico.
Zere, an environmental services company is working together with the town authorities to create a partnership to clean up the lakes and open field dumpsters of Celestun and other nearby towns along the coast of the Yucatán peninsula — the second most important jungle in the Americas.
Eduardo plan is to create a “virtuous circle” where the cleanup can generate money through energy generation, material repurposing, and recycling to generate wellness, a clean environment and local jobs for the community — not to mention a clean environment that can support the local flamingos — an iconic species that is endangered.
We also shot another video for Cedric. But this time Sandra Williams hosted it. She was interviewing an author. It should be out very soon.
I helped Brandon Santiogo film a wedding in Comfort Texas. Comfort Texas is about 37 miles away from San Antonio. The ceremony was pretty short and every one was happy. DEKO 37 might pick up some more wedding in the future.
DEKO 37 is creating an animation about a HOA board. I came up with a lot of ideas with my experience as a HOA president. The script writes itself on a daily basis. Here are some things that happened in the townhome community this week.
The HOA argues about what projects are more important and end up getting nothing done
- The residents are trying to over throw the management and HOA not knowing the consequences if they do this.
- There is a battle between an adjacent HOA board.
- The maintenance man is really quirky and messes up a lot
- Evil Resident stirring up things. Like trying sue the HOA for a stick falling next to her car, skunks running around at night (she traps skunks from other areas and releases them on the property)
- The hot tub constantly breaking
Here’s a shot of frame I’m creating right now. This is the HOA board on a zoom call talking about the budgets. There’s a disagreement about the rise of HOA fees. The fourth character, the president of the HOA is going to be in the bottom right screen. The top character is the secretary, the lady next to him is the VP and the lady at the bottom is the treasurer.

This weekend I had a call with a company that wants me film a doctor doing seminars and interviews with people. DEKO 37 is still talking about dates and locations. He travels all around the U.S. so we need to make schedules around this. Next week, they want me to go to Vegas and film the doctor’s seminar. This could open a lot of possibilities for future work.
I also received an e-mail from a client that wants to do a live stream from her house. I did this a few years back. It was a pretty easy setup and everything went well. We are glad to get repeat business.
In less than two months DEKO 37 will be 10 years old. It’s crazy how fast time has gone by and how much the company has evolved in San Antonio, Texas and the world. I am looking forward to the future of DEKO 37 and what we can do to adapt to the constant changing of video production.
If you need animation, video, editing or arial videography in San Antonio, call us at 210–573–7386 or email at dannyok20@gmail.com.
Also, check out our website at www.deko37.com